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The Learning Section of 2022


Since the opening of 2022 “Sing & Learn Chinese” highlighted with three major components of singing, learning and playing, youths from across the globe have actively participated in the sections of singing and playing. Now we sincerely welcome you to the section of learning!

2022 “Sing & Learn Chinese”

invites high-profile tutors

to engage with you who’re learning or teaching Chinese, or simply like Chinese music,

in the spectacular cloud classes.

Who are the superstars of Chinese pop hits, and what are the classic Chinese songs? 

How to appreciate a Chinese song?

What are the tips of singing Chinese songs well?

The first cloud class is about to open. 

Insightful Exchanges on Chinese Pop Hits


Stay tuned for more to come!

Let’s meet the tutors of the first cloud class.

Kirby Lu

Signed musician of Taihe Music Group. Her personal account on Bilibili has more than 280,000 followers, with the the total view counts exceeding 10 million.

Perry Zhan 

General Manager of the Label Record Strategy of the Content Center of Taihe Music Group, record producer, performance activities planner and director, and general convener of CMIC Music Awards.